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About the Rachel & Troy Foundation


The Rachel and Troy Foundation was created by friends and family members of Rachel and Troy Engle following their tragic, untimely deaths in July 2009.


The mission of the foundation is to assist and support agencies that educate, support and care for children and families who are victims of abuse.


             Who we help

Laurel House is a comprehensive domestic violence agency serving individuals, families and communities throughout Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The agency's first program, a domestic violence shelter for abused women and their children, was founded by the Women's Center of Montgomery County in 1980. In 1981, Laurel house was incorporated as an independent nonprofit organization.


Laurel House Hotline 1.800.642.3150 or 1.888.883.0770



Board Members

Ron Gamza - President

Sue Gamza - Vice President

Trish Boczkowski - Secretery

Patty Fitzgerald - Treasurer

Glenn Gamza

Kelly Wall

Christopher Schwartz

Eileen Kerper

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